Thank you for checking in the blog post area! I wanted to just remind everyone that if you desire a reading that isn't LISTED- please just request it. I am open, just managing my energy first. I value my free time greatly, and I believe everyone else should as well.
Now then, here's the balance aspect of play-
Tarot Readings available: General $20 (No Questions, just what comes up), Custom $200 (Ask a question and you're getting an ENTIRE spread made for your question as well as all the answers and deets necessary to answer everything fully), Hidden Gifts $125 (One Time reading to see your perceptual and energy niches) , Connections to Others $75 (How do they see me and why)
Live Call : $2 per minute. Preference for social media chat programs like Instagram / LINE / DISCORD to actual phone numbers if possible
Candle Readings are $50 per Candle. Candle Channelling is a divination form Tarrien created for her own energy- so they are uncensored for the sake of ALL parties involved. These are intense.
To Request a reading, please feel free to contact Tarrien through Social Media or through email. Tarrien will make a listing on this site or create an invoice depending on the privacy preferences of the customer.
Life has permitted a lot more joy to flow, so if you check the gallery, a new iridescence photo is up. Those are always an intuitive thing, so I can't always re-create it, but when I do, sometimes it seems brighter and more rainbowy each time.