I appreciate the time you're taking to read and observe this post. Hi! Have a good existence!
ADVERTISING: I have a new reading in the shop, it's the Heart's Desire (Potions) reading! This reading is a limited time reading only available until November 1, 2024!
Why would this be a reading for someone to buy? Well, it can give you a focus on HOW this desire can be accomplished in some form- but it shall also outline the known downfalls of such a desire manifesting. This is a good reading for ENJOYING and ENTERTAINING oneself with one's own energy.
I will conduct this energy only for the month of October and then, poof, opportunity for something else! I want to offer more FUN and PLAYFUL readings- this is the first attempt toward that. I hope that some folks will find this reading to scratch that desire for a reading without pressure.
I've also updated the shop banner to embody the energy this shop should feel like. A pleasant surprise with a hint of ethereal confusion.
Life Updates: Been working toward just making life more of what I want, less of what I don't. Can't tell where it's all going, just wandering until there's something that makes sense. It's all a process. It takes time. Character Building Arc Era.
I hope you all have a good week. Thanks for reading my updates.