I'm offering Voidal Healings for $50 per session (usually under 20 minutes) at Ascended Gifts. 

What is the benefit of this service? : Essentially this healing technique removes the habitual and parasitic energies from your aura. Your aura is cleaned then buffed with universal energies to create a feeling of "zen."

A clear clean aura does better than one with the burdens of many attached. 

Clearing the mental fog relieves excessive confusion and painful mental cycles. 

Emotionally thrown daggers and weapons are removed.

Emotionally raising the energy vibration to a clean (NEUTRAL) state. 

Removing Excessive energy leaks / drains and sealing holes from daily life in the aura.

Removing Psychic attacks, blocks, and ego traps. 

When is this service available? : Noon until 5PM to ensure enough energy is available. 

Why is your Advert like that ? : You need to try the service, it is exactly the vibe you should feel at the end of your session. Energetically vibrant, clear thought, grounded to your peace. Perfect if you want to meditate or do work that requires focus / full attention afterward or to remove distracting energies from your aura. 

The Flaw to the Service : Just remember - If you're going to walk through the energetic mud again, you're going to get energetically dirty again.  This is a "maintenance" spiritual service more than a permanent fix to problems. As with all services and healings, the individual seeking their healing needs to seek the things that this services provides them clarity on- what brings them peace and what disrupts it will become easier to decipher over time. The more you choose your inner peace, the less you will require this service guaranteed.   

Is this a service you offer online? : Please see social media or use my business email to reach out- this will not be listed on my sites linked to Etsy. 

Thank you for your support!
